A Better You – A Better Conference

Having a great Conference means making sure everything is at its best – including you. 


Here are some habits adopted by successful leaders that enable them to retain a fresh perspective and intellectual edge.


1. Get out in the field – Management by walking about tends to illicit far more accurate information than reports and spreadsheets.

2. Work without distractions –  As important as walking the floor is finding time to knuckle down without distraction.

3. Walk – Spend 40 minutes exercising and thinking each morning. This saves hours later in the day because the mind is clear.

4. Separate admin from work – Even in the days before email people still had to deal with daily correspondence. All that has really changed is the transmission. What was once or twice a day mail delivery is now constant. Time can still set aside to handle administrative tasks. The rest of the day can then be dedicated to the important issues.


5. Measured accountability – It’s much easier to be busy than to be productive. Establishing and recording the achievements that matter is critical in the workplace.

6. Make time for serendipity – It’s a myth that a packed schedule is an effective schedule. Many great discoveries have come about when least expected. It’s the chance conversations over a coffee that often result in better outcomes than 2 hour structured meetings. Keep some slack in your day to meet new people.


Fewer meetings – more action! Make those meetings count!

Meetings are regarded by many as the least productive time spent at work. But really the opposite should be true. Good meetings improve communication, produce good decisions, generate great ideas and motivate teams.

Unfortunately too many meetings lack purpose, structure and energy and therefore not only waste time but also demotivate good people. A fresh approach to business meetings includes adapting the structure, location and purpose to prevent discussions going off track and failing to reach conclusions.

1) Instigate Brief Daily Updates
This reduces overuse of email, eliminates misunderstandings and false assumptions and ensures team members are well aware of what one another are up to.
• No agenda
• No minutes
• 5 minute duration
• Standing in circle
• Same time
• Same place
• Every day
• Include coffee
• Meet even if several are absent

2) Introduce Weekly Tactical Meetings
• Start with 60 second ‘my week’ update from each attendee
• Agree priorities from those updates to create an agenda
• 6 agenda items max
• Agenda items must be topical, relevant and tactical
• 60 minute duration

3) Introduce Monthly Strategic Meetings
• 2 or 3 topics only
• Strategic not tactical
• Research topics in advance
• Embrace debate and courteous conflict
• Reach decisions

4) Implement Quarterly Off-site meetings
• Deep review of strategic direction
• Competitor analysis
• Team development








Keep them engaged!

Make the quarterly meeting outstanding.

Even professional presenters will tell you that it’s almost impossible to hold an audience’s attention for more than 30 minutes by just talking to them. Delegates are not used to sitting still for hours listening to lectures, it’s therefore imperative to create a conference programme that includes movement, discussion and a variety of media.

This is held together by an expert conference host and organisers who can read and respond to the audience’s energy levels, ensuring you have a great day.

Seize the moon in your teeth and call us today, we can help you achieve your goals!